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Museoko diru-bilketak


pizza Putt

February 7, 2025

​Enjoy delicious pizza and local craft beer while navigating our in-house Putt Putt course.

Get ready to participate in our exciting raffle, tackle the Mug Master Challenge, and try your skills in the Hole-in-Fun challenge! Don't miss the chance to win the Team Spirit Award with your most creative ideas. ​Gather your friends and make it a night to remember!
Pizza Putt is an adult-only (21+) fundraiser.

Enchanted Character Walk

March 29th, 2025

Get ready for an unforgettable experience at the 5th Annual Enchanted Character Walk! Imagine beloved storybook characters, superheroes, and elegant princesses coming to life as families stroll through the beautiful Arboretum.


Families will have the opportunity to get autographs and take pictures with their favorite characters, creating cherished memories. There will be face painting and arts and crafts activities to inspire creativity and allow young artists to express themselves. Join us for a day filled with joy and enchantment!



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2022ko maiatzaren 2a

Bat egin gurekin 11. Urteko Fore The Children Golf Txapelketan Cape Fear Country Club-en. Eman izena enkante isilean, sartu norbanako gisa edo osatu zure taldea laukote arrunt gisa. Txapelketa honek goi mailako golfeko egun bat eskaintzen du Cape Fear Country Club-en, kaxa-bazkaria, sariak eta enkante isila bat. Ziurtatu izena eman gure enkante isilean eskaintza egiteko, Hego-ekialdeko ikastaro ederrenetako batzuetan jokatzeko aukera izateko. Sei talde onenen artean sariak egongo dira eta pinetik gertuen dauden bientzat sariak egongo dira. 


2021eko urriaren 23a

Bat egin gurekin 11. Urteko YachtVenture-ra! YachtVenture urteko gure diru bilketa ekitaldirik handiena eta zirraragarriena da!  Gozatu gau bat izarren azpian belaontzi ederrak bisitatuz, enkanterako elementu ikaragarrietan lizitatuz, sukaldaritza gozoaz afalduz, sinadurazko koktelak hartzen eta gauean dantzatzen!

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asteartea - larunbata  9:00etatik 17:00etara
Igandea 13:00 - 17:00

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CMoW irabazi-asmorik gabeko 501(c)(3) da  antolakuntza.

© 2021 Wilmingtoneko Haurren Museoa 

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