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CMoW Udalekuak

Wilmingtoneko Children's Museum-ek uste du haurrek hobekien ikasten dutela esperientzia praktiko eta sortzaileen bidez. Haurrek pentsamendu kritikoaren trebetasunak, STEAM irakaskuntza eta talde txikietan proiektu praktikoak azpimarratzen dituzten programak eta erakusketa interaktiboak eskaintzen dizkiegu.  Hezitzaile konprometitu eta kualifikatuek zuzendutako udaleku tematiko ugari eskaintzen ditugu, haur bakoitzaren interesei egokitzeko eta laguntzeko. Gure diseinu bereziak hiru eraikin historiko eder, lorategi sentsorial bat, ur-erakusketa interaktibo bat eta kanpoko eremu bat ditu, umeei mugitzeko, ikasteko eta jolasteko espazio ugari eskaintzen dizkiela.

2021eko Udalekuak

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April 1-5, 9 AM-1 PM (Ages 5-8)

Come grow with us this spring at Caterpillar Camp! At this outdoor based camp, learners will explore plants, animals, and the world around them. Campers will get their hands dirty and discover why taking care of Earth is important. We will even work together to raise our own caterpillars!

Music Mania Camp

June 17th - 21st, 9 AM-1 PM (Ages 5-6)

July 8th - 12th, 9 AM-1 PM (Ages 7-8)

This camp is out of this world! Young voyagers will learn about the science and technology making space exploration possible, dive into astronomy, create crafts and conduct experiments. Venture into the universe at CMoW as a Space Voyager!

Coastal Connections

July 15th - 19th, 9 AM-1 PM (Ages 5-6)

July 22nd - 26th, 9 AM-1 PM (Ages 7-8)

Get ready to learn all about the ocean and the creatures that call it home! Campers will explore marine mammals, ocean plants, fish, and more through a week full of hands-on learning. We’ll end the week with a field trip onto the Cape Fear River!

Camp CMoW

June 10-14, 9AM-1 PM (Ages 5-8)

August 12-16, 9AM-1 PM (Ages 5-8)

Choose whether to start or finish the summer at Camp CMoW! Campers will focus on a different theme each day and wrap up the week with a field trip. Themes will cover all that CMoW has to offer, including art, STEM, and literacy. 

Ipuin Liburuaren Camp

June 24 - 28, 9 AM-1 PM (Ages 5-8)

Join us for Art Adventures this summer! We will be exploring the art work of many famous artists. Campers will be inspired by these masters to create their own acrylic and watercolor paintings, collage, sculptures and more. Other activities will include daily museum time, independent art work and an art show as we close the week.

Eco Explorers

July 29th - August 2nd, 9 AM-1 PM (Ages 5-6)

August 5th - 9th, 9 AM - 1 PM (Ages 7-8)

At this outdoor based camp, students will explore all things nature, from plants to animals and the world around them! Eco Explorers will get their hands dirty and discover why taking care of Earth is important. We’ll end the week with a field trip onto the Cape Fear River!

Jakin beharrekoak

  • Eguneko udalekuen aukera guztiak daude eskuragarri.

  • Goizeko saioa ETA egun osoko kanpinzaleek bazkaria eraman beharko dute.

  • Bost urte edo gehiagoko kanpinzale guztiek aurpegiko maskara bat behar dute.

  • Kanpinzale guztiek berrerabili daitekeen ur botila bat eraman beharko dute.

  • Mesedez, jakinarazi iezaguzu alergiaren berri izena ematean.

  • 8 kanpalekuko edukiera kanpaleku bakoitzeko.

  • 5 haur edo gutxiago, hezitzaile bat.

  • 6 haur edo gehiago, hezitzaile nagusia + lanaldi partzialeko langileak.

  • 8:45 - 9:00 iristeko ordua.

  • Kanpinzaleek izena eman dezakete goizeko udalekuetan eta arratsaldeko udalekuetan.

  • Pintxoak eskaintzen dira. 

    COVID-19 araudiaren arabera, urruntze sozialeko praktika seguruak ezarriko ditugu kanpamendu osoan. Bost urte edo gehiagoko parte-hartzaile bakoitzarentzat aurpegi estalkiak beharko dira.

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